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Aziz Hermogenes Burnu, Staten Adası Ve Montague Adası

Views of Cape St. Hermogenes, Statens Land and Montague Island

Gravürün Basım Tarihi:


Baskı Türü:

Bakır Baskı

Copper Engraving

Sanatçı (Ressam):


Gravürü Yapan:

William Harrison (1750-1803)

Basıldığı Kitap-Basımevi:

A Voyage Round The World, But More Particularly to The North-West Coast of America, Performed
in 1785, 1786, 1787 and 1788, in the King George and Queen Charlotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon (Published As The Act Directs By Cap. Dixon, Nov. 6 1788)

Gravürün Orijinal İsmi:

Views of Cape St. Hermogenes, Statens Land and Montague Island


Aziz Hermogenes Burnu, Staten Adası Ve Montague Adası ; Amerika ; Alaska ; Gravür ; 18.Yüzyıl ; 1788 ; Harita

Views of Cape St. Hermogenes, Statens Land and Montague Island ; America ; Alaska ; Antique Print ; 18. Century ; 1788 ; Map

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