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Launcelot Gobbo Rolünde Mr. Buckstone, 2 Perde 2. Sahne(Venedik Taciri)

Mr. Buckstone As Launcelot Gobbo, Act 2 Sc. 2 (The Merchant Of Venice)

Gravürün Basım Tarihi:


Baskı Türü:

Steel Engraving From Daguerreotype-Hand Colored
Dagerreyotipden Çelik Baskı-Elle Boyama

Sanatçı (Ressam):

John Jabez Edwin Mayall (1813-1901) (Photographer)

Gravürü Yapan:


Basıldığı Kitap-Basımevi:

The London Printing And Publishing Company

Gravürün Orjinal İsmi: 

Mr. Buckstone As Launcelot Gobbo, Act 2 Sc. 2 (The Merchant Of Venice)


Launcelot Gobbo Rolünde Mr. Buckstone, 2 Perde 2. Sahne(Venedik Taciri) ; Gravür ; 19.Yüzyıl ; 1850 ; William Shakespeare ; Sanat ; Tiyatro ; Kostüm ; Portre ; Erkek ; Kostüm

Mr. Buckstone As Launcelot Gobbo, Act 2 Sc. 2(The Merchant Of Venice) ; Antique Print ; 19.Century ; 1850 ; William Shakespeare ; Art ; Theatre ; Potrait ; Man ; Costume

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