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Türkiye I. (Kuzey Vilayetler Dahil)
Turkey I. (Containing The Northern Provinces)
Printing Date of Antique print:
Print Type:
Çelik Baskı
Steel Engraving
Artist (Painter):
Printed by (Engraver):
J. & C.Walker (Active 1820-1895)
Published Book-Printing House:
A Series Of Outline Maps For The Use Of Geographical Students In Two Numbers (Published March 1 1833 By Baldwin & Cradock 47 Paternoster Row London)
Name of Antique print:
Turkey I. (Containing The Northern Provinces)
Türkiye I.(Kuzey Vilayetler Dahil) ; Gravür ; 19.Yüzyıl ; 1833 ; Harita ; Ülke ; Türkiye ; Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ; Balkan Ülkeleri ; Rumeli ; Yunanistan ; Romanya ; Bulgaristan ; Arnavutluk ; Kosova ; Sırbistan ; Bosna Hersek ; Hırvatistan ; Moldova
Turkey I. (Containing The Northern Provinces) ; Antique Print ; 19.Century ; 1833 ; Map ; Country ; Turkey ; Ottoman Empire ; Europe ; Balkan States ; Rumelia ; Greece ; Romania ; Bulgaria ; Albania ; Kosova ; Serbia ; Bosnia And Herzegovina ; Croatia ; Moldova ;
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