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Constance Rolünde Miss Glyn, 3. Perde 1. Sahne(Kral John'un Hayatı Ve Ölümü)

Miss Glyn As Constance, Act. 3 Sc. 1(The Life And Death Of King John)

Printing Date of  Antique Print:


Antique Print Type:

Steel Engraving From Daguerreotype

Dagerreyotipden Çelik Baskı

Artist (Painter):

Paine of Islington (photographers)

Created by (Engraver):

George Greatbach (1819-1884)

Published Book-Printing House:

Constance Rolünde Miss Glyn, 3. Perde 1. Sahne(Kral John'un Hayatı Ve Ölümü)
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Antique Print Original Name: 

Miss Glyn As Constance, Act. 3 Sc. 1(The Life And Death Of King John)


Constance Rolünde Miss Glyn 3. Perde 1. Sahne(Kral John'un Hayatı Ve Ölümü) ; Gravür ; 19.Yüzyıl ; 1850 ; William Shakespeare ; Sanat ; Tiyatro ; Kostüm ; Portre ; Kadın ; Kostüm ; Kılıç ; Kalkan

Miss Glyn As Constance - Act. 3 Sc. 1(The Life And Death Of King John) ; Antique Print ; 19.Century ; 1850 ; William Shakespeare ; Art ; Theatre ; Potrait ; Woman ; Costume ; Sword ; Shield

Information About the Original:


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