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Kraliyet Ahırları
His Majesty's Stables in The Mews
Printing Date of Antique Print:
Antique Print Type:
Copper Engraving
Bakır Baskı
Artist (Painter):
Created by (Engraver):
Benjamin Cole (1695-1766)
Published Book-Printing House:
The History And Survey of London From its Foundation to the Present Time..By William Maitland
(Published 1756)

Antique Print Original Name:
His Majesty's Stables in The Mews
Kraliyet Ahırları ; Gravür ; 18.Yüzyıl ; 1754 ; Ülke ; İngiltere ; Mimari ; Ahır ; Ev
His Majesty's Stables in The Mewsl ; Antique Print ; 18.Century ; 1754 ; Country ; England ; Architecture ; Mews ; Stable
Information About the Original:
Mews'ler İngiltere'de 18. ve 19. yüzyılda inşa edilmiş olup, giriş katında atları ahırda tutmak için yukarı katta ise hizmetçilerin konaklaması için yapılmıştır. Bugün ise ahır evleri (mews houses) normal ev olarak kullanılmaktadır.
The mews were built in England in the 18th and 19th centuries, and were built on the ground floor to keep the horses in the barn, and on the upper floor to accommodate the servants. Today, barn houses (mews houses) are used as normal houses
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