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John Burgoyne'nin Yazdığı "The Heiress (Mirasçı)" Adlı Komedi Oyununda Alscrip Rolünde William Parsons, "My Daughter maintains all fashions are founded in sense -Icod the tightness of my Wig, and the stiffness of my cape give me the sense of pillory II.Perde II.Sahne

Mr. Parsons, The Character of Alscrip in the Comedy of Heiress-"My Daughter maintains all fashions are founded in sense -Icod the tightness of my Wig, and the stiffness of my cape give me the sense of pillory. Act 2 Scene 2" (William Parsons)

Printing Date of  Antique Print:


Antique Print Type:

Copper Engraving

Bakır Baskı

Artist (Painter):

Sylvester Harding (1745-1809)

Created by (Engraver):

James Parker (1750-1805)

Published Book-Printing House:

Europen Magazine-Pub. 1 April 1795 by j.Sewell, No.32 Cornhill

John Burgoyne'nin Yazdığı "The Heiress (Mirasçı)" Adlı Komedi Oyununda Alscrip Rolünde William Parsons, "My Daughter maintains all fashions are founded in sense -Icod the tightness of my Wig, and the stiffness of my cape give me the sense of pillory II.Perde II.Sahne

Antique Print Original Name: 

Mr. Parsons, The Character of Alscrip in the Comedy of Heiress-"My Daughter maintains all fashions are founded in sense -Icod the tightness of my Wig, and the stiffness of my cape give me the sense of pillory. Act 2 Scene 2" (William Parsons)


John Burgoyne'nin Yazdığı "The Heiress (Mirasçı)" Adlı Komedi Oyununda Alscrip Rolünde William Parsons, II.Perde II.Sahne ; Gravür ; 18.Yüzyıl ; 1795 ; Portre ; Erkek ; İş ; Meslek ; Tiyatro ; Sanat ; Sahne Sanatları ; Aktör ; Aktris ; Komedten ; Tiyatro Sanatçısı ; Kostüm ; İngiliz ; William Parsons (1736-1795)

Mr. Parsons, The Character of Alscrip in the Comedy of Heiress-"My Daughter maintains all fashions are founded in sense -Icod the tightness of my Wig, and the stiffness of my cape give me the sense of pillory. Act 2 Scene 2" (William Parsons) ;
Antique Print ; 18.Century ; 1795 ; Potrait ; Man ; Art ; job ; Occupation ; Costume ; Actor ; Artist ; Comedian ; English ; William Parsons (1736-1795)

Information About the Original:


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