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"Douglas" Oyununda Douglas Rolünde Joseph George Holman (1764–1817) IV.Perde I.Sahne

Douglas, Mr.Holman As Douglas, Act IV. Sc I.

Printing Date of  Antique Print:


Antique Print Type:

Steel Engraving

Çelik Baskı

Artist (Painter):

Samuel De Wilde (1748-1832)

Created by (Engraver):

William Bromley (1769-1842)

Published Book-Printing House:

Printed For C.Cooke Jan.03 1807

"Douglas" Oyununda Douglas Rolünde Joseph George Holman (1764–1817)  IV.Perde I.Sahne

Antique Print Original Name: 

Douglas, Mr.Holman As Douglas, Act IV. Sc I.


"Douglas" Oyununda Douglas Rolünde Joseph George Holman IV.Perde I.Sahne ; Gravür ; 19.Yüzyıl ; 1807 ; Tiyatro ; Sanat ; Kostüm ; Sahne Sanatları ; Artist ; Aktör ; Tiyatro Sanatçısı ; Joseph George Holman (1764-1817)

Douglas, Mr. Holman As Douglas, Act IV. Sc I. ; Antique Print ; 19. Century ; 1807 ; Theatre ; Art ; Performing Arts ; Scenery ; Costume ; Artist ; Actor ; Joseph George Holman (1764-1817)

Information About the Original:


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