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Peradan Yeni Cami (Valide Sultan Cami)
Mosque Of Sultana Valide (From The Pera)
Printing Date of Antique Print:
Antique Print Type:
Steel Engraving
Çelik Baskı
Artist (Painter):
William Henry Bartlett (1809-1854)
Created by (Engraver):
William Wallis (1796-….)
Published Book-Printing House:
The Beauties Of The Bosphorus (London Published For Proprietors By Geo. Virtue 26 Ivy Lane, 1839)

Antique Print Original Name:
Mosque Of Sultana Valide (From The Pera)
Peradan Yeni Cami (Valide Sultan Cami) ; Gravür ; 19.Yüzyıl ; 1839 ; Ülke ; Şehir ; Türkiye ; Türk ; İstanbul ; Oryantal ; Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ; Mimari ; Cami ; Ev ; Bina ; Taşıma ; Ulaşım ; Kayık ; Günlük Hayat ; Gümrük Eminliği
Mosque Of Sultana Valide (From The Pera) ; Antique Print ; 19.Century ; 1839 ; Country ; City ; Turkey ; Turkish ; Constantinople ; Istanbul ; Oriental ; Ottoman Empire ; Architecture ; Yeni Mosque ; Valide Sultan Mosque ; House ; Building ; Genre ; Social Life ; Transportation ; Boat
Information About the Original:
Sultan IV.Mehmet'in annesi Turhan Hatice Sultan döneminde 1663 yılında tamamlanan Yeni Cami, Valide Sultan Türbesi, Sübyan Mektebi, Hünkar Kasrı, Darülkurra ve Sebil’i ile İstanbul'un en güzel camilerinden biridir. Ayrıca, gravürün sol tarafında iki katlı ahşap Gümrük Eminliği binası da resmedilmiştir. Gümrük Eminliği binası, emanet usulü ile gümrük vergilerini toplamakla sorumlu olan görevlinin ofisi ve konutu olarak kullanılıyordu. Eminönü semti, Gümrük Eminliği binasının burada almasından dolayı adını Eminönü olarak almıştır.
Valide Sultan Mosque (New Mosque) was built in 1663 during the period of Turhan Hatice Sultan Who is the mother of Sultan Mehmet IV. Valide Sultan Mosque is one of the most beautiful mosques of Istanbul with its Valide Sultan Tomb, primary school (sibyan school), Hunkar Pavilion, Quran Course (Darulkurra) and Fountain. In addition, the two-story wooden Customs Office building is depicted on the left side of the engraving. The Customs Office building was used as the office and residence of the custodian responsible for collecting customs duties. Eminönü district got its name as Eminönü due to the fact that the Customs Office building was taken here.
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