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Türk Casusu Arap Mahmut

Mahmut The Turkish Spy

Printing Date of  Antique Print:


Antique Print Type:

Copper Engraving

Bakır Baskı

Artist (Painter):

Created by (Engraver):

Robert Scott (1777-1841)

Published Book-Printing House:

Letters Writ By A Turkish Spy, Who Lived Five and Forty Years Undiscovered At Paris (Mundell And Son Edinburg)

Türk Casusu Arap Mahmut

Antique Print Original Name: 

Mahmut The Turkish Spy


Türk Casusu Arap Mahmut ; Gravür ; 19.Yüzyıl ; 1801 ; Portre ; Erkek ; Kostüm ; Türk ; İç Dizayn

Mahmut The Turkish Spy ; Antique Print ; 19.Century ; 1801 ; Portrait ; Man ; Oriental ; Costume ; Turkish ; interior Design

Information About the Original:


Bir Türk Casusunun Mektupları, “Mahmut” isimli bir Osmanlı casusu tarafından Fransa kralı XIV. Louis’in sarayından yazıldığı iddia edilen hayali mektuplardan oluşmaktadır.Sekiz Ciltlik Bir Kitapdan Oluşmaktadır. Bu kitapda
bulunan Gravür Robert scott Tarafından 1802 yılında yeniden resmedilmiştir.

Letters of a Turkish Spy, by an Ottoman spy named "Mahmut", French King XIV. It consists of imaginary letters
allegedly written from the palace of Louis. It consists of an eight-volume book. The Engraving found in this book was re-illustrated by Robert Scott in 1802.

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