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İngiltere Kralı II.James'i Devirmek İçin İsyan Eden Monmouth Dükü James Scott'un Sedgemoor Savaşında Yenildikten Sonra Kaçmak İçin Çoban Kıyafeti
The Duke Of Monmouth After His Defeat Exchanging Clothes With A Shepherd
Gravürün Basım Tarihi:
Baskı Türü:
Copper Engraving
Bakır Baskı
Sanatçı (Ressam):
Charles Benezech (1767-1794)
Gravürü Yapan:
Samuel Sparrow (Active 1770's-1810's) or
James Sparrow
Basıldığı Kitap-Basımevi:
The History of England From The Earliest Dawn Of Authentic Record To The Ultimate Ratification Of The General Peace of 1802 By George Courtney Lyttleton (Publidhed As The Act Directs July 17 1802 By J.Stratford No.112 Holborn Hill)

Gravürün Orjinal İsmi:
The Duke Of Monmouth After His Defeat Exchanging Clothes With A Shepherd
İngiltere Kralı II.James'i Devirmek İçin İsyan Eden Monmouth Dükü James Scott'un Sedgemoor Savaşında Yenildikten Sonra Kaçmak İçin Çoban Kıyafeti Giymesi ; Gravür ; 19.Yüzyıl ; 1802 ; Portre ; Erkek ; Kostüm ; Kılıç ; Monmouth Dükü ; İngiliz ; James Scott (1649-1685) ; Sedgemoor Savaşı (1685) ; Monmouth İsyanı ; Pitchfork İsyanı ; Batı Bölgesinin İsyanı ; İngiltere Tarihi
The Duke Of Monmouth After His Defeat Exchanging Clothes With A Shepherd ; Antique Print ; 19.Century ; 1802 ; Potrait ; Man ; Costume ; Sword ; 1st Duke of Monmouth ; James Scott (1649-1685) ; The Battle Of Sedgemoor (1685) ; Monmouth Rebellion ; Pitchfork Rebellion ; The Revolt Of The West ; The West Country Rebellion ; History Of England ;
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